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Border Guard

(Bqp.vn) - The Border Guard, equivalent to a service, is a component of the VPA. It exercises the functions of controlling, protecting national sovereignty, territorial integrity, public order and security of national borders on land, at sea, and border gates as regulated by laws. It is also a force in defence zones of the border provinces and districts. The Border Guard bears the main responsibility for coordinating with concerned branches and forces in local areas and authorities in controlling and protecting the national border lines and border landmarks; ensuring the implementation of agreements, regulations and laws on border issues; detecting and fighting against all illegal activities and sabotages, and crimes of all kinds to preserve sovereignty, security and public order in the boundary areas; carrying out the border guard external relations, maintaining contacts with agencies concerned of neighbouring countries to settle the border related issues with a view to building the border of peace and friendship, hence making contribution to the creation of an environment of stability and development that actively supports the policy of expanding international cooperation.

The Border Guard is consistently organized and commanded from its Headquarters to grassroots units, including the Border Guard Command, border guard provincial (municipal) commands, border guard maritime brigades, and border guard posts, border guard maritime detachments. The Border Guard Command has the Commander and Vice Commanders, the Commissar and the Deputy Commissar. It also consists of agencies responsible for military affairs, Party and political work, technical and logistic issues, the Department of Drugs Prevention and Control, and affiliated units. The Border Guard has become increasingly stronger, professionally competent, and adept at mass mobilization and expert in Vietnam laws, as well as international laws and practices. It is equipped with border guard professional means and devices and increasingly modern weapons to accomplish its tasks.

Since its establishment on March 3rd, 1959, after 50 years of growing, and maturing, and increasingly striving, the Border Guard’s officers and soldiers have achieved numerous feats of arms and glorious victories. The Border Guard has been awarded a Gold Star Order and the title of Hero of the People’s Armed Forces (02 times).


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